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oxy doc`s Links to other Web sites

The oxy-doc.com site contains links to other Web sites so that you may learn more about other matters that we feel may be of interest to you.
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CDAA - Cave Divers Association of Australia


DiveDoc.net - Harry's Home on the Web - Top Informations about Cave Diving in Australia

Pine Tank Dive Lodge, Glencoe, SA - Great Accommodation, Grant Pearce, Australia

sumatec - equipment for technical diving

Homepage Marcus Prothmann, also excellent underwater pics made by Olaf Kreuschner
Vivantes- Hospital im Friedrichshain, Berlin, Diving medicine facility
Bahamas, Abaco Island, Bahama Underground, Brian Kakuk
Tauchcenter Dresden, Contact Miltitz Mine Diving

Spain - very informative, well illustrated site about spanish cave diving activities, Roberto F. "Rupo" García

Spain - website about dry caving and some cave diving "Grupo Espeleológico NIPHARGUS" in BURGOS

Czech Republic - nice link collection and information about dive spots in Czech Republic and Hungary, Ondrej Belica

Florida - Cave Excursions - Accommodation, Service, Filling station, Bill Rennaker's shop
Cave Diving Guide France