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Mexico Q.Roo, three cave systems close to Puerto Aventuras with similar style

Tajmahal, Chac Mool, Ponderosa

location: Across Puerto Aventuras

entrance fee: 80 Pesos

max. depth: 12 - 18 m

accessability: 3km sandy road

restooms: no or not useable

site entrance: concrete construction

exit: easy, a bit slippery

Cavern Diving: excellent

specific feature:
some parts are very well decorated with nice stalaktites, like in the Cenote sugar bowl in Tajmahal, other parts totaly without decoration because of the salt water.
Be aware of perculation!
halocline , huge cavern areas, many students and cavern divers frequent all over the 3 Cenotes. Crowded place with swimmers, snorklers and jumpers!

best Dive:
after approx. 45 minutes swimming in Chac Mool you are meet the largest stalaktit. If you can - scooter!
measured cave:
Chac Mool:approx. 8,1 km
Ponderosa: approx. 14,9 km
Taj Mahal: approx. 6 km
This cave systems flirt between salt and fresh water zones. Haloclines are beautiful and range in 8-9 meter

Many thanks to the photographer Olaf Kreuschner for some of the underwater pic`s, made 2004!


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Ponderosa, after crossing the tunnel

Ponderosa, back to the entrance

Ponderosa- the huge freshwater pool, copyright Olaf Kreuschner

Entrance, coppyright Olaf Kreuschner

crossing the cenote Ponderosa you meet the next daylight soon, copyright Olaf Kreuschner

Exit Ponderosa, copyright Olaf Kreuschner

lamprey in the Cenote Ponderosa, copyright Olaf Kreuschner