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Dry Caving in Spain - we visit 50 km north of Burgos La cueva Piscarciano

A cave challenge with the speleological group Niphargus

Al Fotos: Roberto F. García - Muchas gracias a Rupo!

First exploration of the cave Cueva del Piscarciano was in 1970. THe cave is a part of an extend system, associated with the Cueva de Las Vacas and the Cueva de Las Arenas.

The Spain Speleologist, members of the groups Niphargus and Edelweiss explored, mesuredand documented very well the cave system.

We were asked to help for further exploring in a syphon- because in there group were no cave diver.

The last dive was 20 years ago!

The name of the cave came from a bandit with the same name. The legende says, that he was hidden in the cave about 1920.

In winter the cave is totally floodet! Accordingly thick and slippery are the clay covering everything in the cave.


Location: Hoz de Arreba, in the Valdebezana Valley.

Size: 13.430 Meter

Accessibility: do you love SRT? :-)

Permission: privates area- park your car at the farm and ask the owner for access

Time Slot: only in the dry season

Cave Structure: is one of the extended caves at the provinz

  • The 20 Meter high abbys marked the entrance. You woun`t miss it!
  • Our goal is the northern part of the cave system: Sector del anillo.
  • We need 2 hours to get to the place, inclusive the 20 meter high "Escalera Artificial".
  • The team of the group Niphargus prepared all the SRT spots and also transportet most of our diving gear.

Equipment: Sidemount Harness Armadillo, Dry Suit, 2x 4 liter steel tanks

Our Dive: Slide into the water, after 2 minutes no vis; no current, so the vis dis not clear

I sneek between rocks and clay and quit the dive after 20 minutes

Maximum dept: 3 Meter

No new gallery or sektion found - we are very sad!

  • Publikations: DVD and book: Gruppo Espeleologico Niphargus, El Complejo Karstico de Piscarciano-Vacas-Arenas
  • report in spain about the exploration dive

    Our special thanks to Spain: Many thanks to all members of Niphargus and Roberto F. García!

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    Quelle NiphargusPiscarciano






