You will enjoy it!
- "Felsendome Rabenstein" is an old chalk mine and located in Saxonia, about 20 km away of Chemnitz
- for divers already dived Miltitz the cave feels a bit small - but it is spiced with mountain cristals, nice small sturcture in little corners...
- remains of old light system
- other relics of mining history
- max. depth 17 meter
- dives are possible in two connected mine levels
- the level four is very interesting and has better vis!
- emergency exit after 30 minutes dive time - the old vertical transport shaft
- equipment transport with trolley
- owner offers a cavern dive as a guided tour
- air fill is possible, no need for technical gases
- very different visibility
- vis changes very fast in dependence of traffic...
- mine is open the whole year, but you need to register before diving
- nice restaurant and on- site accomodation
- worth a look - guided "dry mine tour"
The Explorer Erwin Briefang takes care about all the divers need!
Small group and private guiding possible!
go to slate mine Christine